Saturday 26th May

River Wye, Ty-Newydd Beat.

May 26th

Ty-Newydd is a lovely section of the Wye, with a wide range of water, from rapids and falls to riffles and runs right down to placid pools. Such a diversity of water provides habitat for different species. The slack water is patrolled by chub and the silt holds the larvae of Mayflies.

The faster water has grayling, and trout can be found both in the pools and runs as well as in the 'pocket water' around boulders. The stones are home to the 'stone-clinger' nymphs of Heptagenia sulphurea, or more easily known as the Yellow May Dun. In my opinion this is the most striking of the mayflies in Britain.

What such a description leaves out is how beautiful the river and its surroundings are. Wonderful mature oaks line the banks and shade the river. Hillsides of bracken, birch and rowan form the backdrop. Saturday was a day of sunshine, some rain and squally wind. 2 aspiring fly fishermen worked hard at their casting and managed to attract chub and catch a few trout; the fish coming to both dry flies and nymphs.


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chub from Ty-Newydd beat

Chub from Ty-Newydd

Fishing Ty-Newydd

Swinging a wet fly